Administration and Human Resources

The sections and units in this departmemts are directly under the supervision of The Director Administration and Human Resources. They include:

Administration and Human Resources
Raw Material and General Store
Finished Product Store
Transport and Auto Maintenance Unit
Welfare and Medical
Landscaping and Bio-Development
Outreach and Extension Services
Safety Unit

Administration and Human Resources

The administration and Human Resourses main functions is to ensure the efficient performance of all departments in the institute. They act as a connecting link between the senior management and the employees. They provide motivation to the work force and make them realize the goals of the organization. They are also responsible for managing the institute's human capital to meet SEDI's business objectives. The Human Resourses sub-section further helps in attracting and retaining talents and to guarantee the interests and well-being of employees.

Raw Material and General Store

The Raw Materials and General Stores make available a balanced flow of raw materials, components, tools, equipment and other stores required for operation, provides maintenance materials, spare parts and general stores as required, and also receives and issues materials after physical inspection and proper identification.

Finished Product Store

The Finished Products Store receive materials from receiving department, maintains proper records of stores, makes arrangement for proper storage of materials and finished goods, issues materials to production departments against proper and authorised requisition. They also ensure cost of storage and warehousing is minimal and inline with budget.

Transport and Auto-Maintenance Unit

Transport and Auto-Maintenance Unit are responsible for directing, coordinating, planning and overseeing tasks and operations within the institute involving transportation activities. They ensure the legal requirements for road haulage are met and the state of the organisation's vehicles are perfect at all times. The section has a pool of drivers and Auto-mechanics, whose job schedule are structured to ensure effectiveness and safety.

Welfare and Medical

The welfare and Medical Unit acts as the institutes sick bay, incase of any medical emergency, this section offers first aid before taking the individual to the hospital. They also work closely with the safety department to developed and enforce policies to prevent medical emergencies. They oversee the organization's Ambulance, and keep it up-to-date with first aid kits, amongs many other ideas used to ensure workers and visitors stay far away from vatal bodily injury and sickness.

Landscaping and Bio-Development

Landscape and Bio-Development oversees the landscaping needs of the office. Their duties includes purchasing plants and other landscaping material, maintenance of landscaping equipment, hiring and direction of staff. Because they understand the importance of nature and bio-develpment, attention is paid to every flower, tree or plant in the institute, which is evident for visitors to see when they come visiting.

Outreach and Extension Services

The Outreach and Extension Services unit organises strategic partnerships for the institute by providing top-quality advice, facilitating effective knowledge management, and providing technical assistance to project planning, coordination, monitoring and reporting in any collaboration. They also offer basic ICT training, which serves as community development at the Federal Secretariat Complex Enugu, to enhancing collaboration with other Government agencies.

Safety Unit

Safety Unit monitors health and safety, assess risk and offer safety advice to potential hazards within the institute. These are done through: Designing training programs to provide safety awareness and education, acquisition, certification and maintainance of safety equipment, enforcement of the use of PPE, Creating reports detailing health and safety of every workspace within the institute and Investigating environmental accidents and other public safety concerns.